Video Information


  • Member: -M_X_R-
  • Studio: -M_X_R- [PRODUCTIONS]
  • Title: Red Ramble
  • Premiered: 2004-06-07
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • John Murphy Red Dresses
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: 3rd Entry - 2nd Complete AMV - 1st Short Intrumental

    "Red Ramble" - I'm glad I chose this title becuase, not only does it refer to the song "Red Dresses," but also the "little red riding hood" - sorry can't remember her name.. O_O She's in a state of rambling in and around the undergound sewer tunnels just as the people all while fighting overhead, and it just looks coehrently going on at the same time, while its not like that in the movie.. Plus I like the way its sounds.. :p

    This is a very short AMV, perhaps one of the shortest, but keep in mind all the aspects that create and make up the video were actual thought through and had effort put in to them. I know the video is quite fast so it may take 2 or even 3 tries before really grasping the entire video and understanding who, what, when, where, and why of the entire AMV.

    Time for this video was actually longer than I expected and I hope I pulled it off good, if not then atleast with a seldom okay.. you know... I tried my best to show what goes into a story dealing with revolution, opression, guerillas, people, police, violence, and above all life and the struggle that keeps it progressing from one thing to another, in all hopes for the better, like the girl in the red dress thought she was doing in order to fight back, to take a stand, and to keep the fire burning in the end.

    DVD Decrypter
    dMC Audio CD
    Sound Forge 6.0
    Adobe Premiere 6.0

    So with out further adieu.. this is Red Ramble...

    Download, watch, enjoy, and OPs please... ;)

Opinions (1)
