Video Information


  • Member: Voices_Of_Ryan
  • Studio: Destination Skyline Studios
  • Title: Stumbling
  • Premiered: 2004-03-02
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Blink 182 I'm Lost Without You
  • Anime:
  • Comments: [Stumbling threw the Cold - The poem that inspired the title]

    "Is it really better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? You wander threw life, trying to crawl, you try to get up, but you just stumble and fall, Now you're back up, looking again, trying to find the ultimate prize to win, you look for him he's not there, why you're stumbling in the darkness is no longer clear..." - Rivera Nonteiz

    When I started this project, I had everything in my mind already.

    I already knew the song I wanted to use, the anime I wanted to use, everything was mapped out perfectly. But why do things tend not to work like you hope?

    I origianly planned on using a majorly Punk song, but after several attempts at it, I just couldnt get a feeling from the video with the song. The footage and the song just didnt fit no matter how much I really wanted them to. So I looked for other song choices.

    That's pretty much where an unnamed (I'm sure he wouldn't want the recognition from me anyway) 'friend' told me how great the new Blink 182 Cd is, and thus the next day I ran out and bought it simply based off the fact I've seen his video's and he has great musical taste.

    The anime itself came into my sight not so long ago, and recently I had bought the dvd, after watching it, I was simply amazed, yes, it truly is an incredible anime period.

    After a quick search on here for anime/song uses, I noticed two important things.

    1. There are hardly any Millenium Actress amv's out (and I have no why)
    2. The song wasn't used.

    Both where huge selling points on me using them, so without delay I started editing pretty much immedititly, I mean the secound I heard the song I knew it was perfect with the anime. Just perfect.

    [The editing]
    At the very beginning a decision was made to make this simple editing, the absolute hardest thing to do (effect wise) in this video was the black and white fading, but even that was no big deal at all.

    You know, a few things happened while I was editing this video. One of which a few of my close friends know very well.. and they helped me threw it.

    And another was me discovering how to carry beats in a new and creative way, for example.
    The entire intro was originaly just gonna be black and white with the scenes changing on beat, But I got an idea and even though it took me a while to figure out how to pull it off, I finally pulled off the quick shifts from Color to Black and White you see in the intro portions of the video (and a few other places).

    [Random babbling]
    I really actually enjoy this video, which is difficult for me to express in a way you (the reader) might understand. But truthfully, I havn't enjoyed to many of my video's, I usually get bored and just skip to parts I like.

    But with this video, I tend to watch the whole thing, I really do think it's far past anything I've done before and I'm not shy to say it.

    There are a few people I'd like to thank,

    Peter (Majin Koji - A big thanks to you)
    Janzk1 (for loving this anime as much as I do)

    Beta Testers / Friends (continued):
    Mexican Junior
    Lee (Seifer)
    Pie Row

    All of destination skyline =].

    And lastly, there's one last thing I want to do.

    Dedicated to: Nicole & All my friends, You guy's (and girl's =P) are amazing, online, offline, in the middle and everywhere else. Everyone of you has helped me in the past 2 weeks, and I appreciate that more than I can ever express. So in that same breath... Thank you all.

    Enjoy the video.

    "Voices of" Ryan

    Read Please: Due to our server being out at the moment, I will not be able to upload the xvid till we get it back, though if you're willing to take an mpeg, It doesn't look that bad, thank you for understanding.

Opinions (13)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.18
  • 8.00
  • 8.91
  • 8.64
  • 8.73
  • 7.55
  • 8.27
