Video Information


  • Member: SQ
  • Title: Forsaken
  • Premiered: 2003-11-05
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Wayne Static Not Meant For Me
  • Anime:
  • Comments:
    This video has nothing to do with Ash, and everything to do with Entei.
    On the whole, it's basically a retelling of the 3rd movie with a focus on Entei's point of view.

    At heart, it is a euphemism for people (the girl) taking storybooks too seriously and wishing(through Unown) that things(Entei) would "play their roles" (Entei = replacement father; Ash's mom = replacement for girl's mom). The overall lesson is that you should ultimately just accept reality, because otherwise you're just putting yourself (and others) through a lot of unneeded hardship.

    Lyrical reference:
    You = humans
    Me = Entei
    We = Unown and Entei
    Jury = Ash and Co. (Symbolic of you the viewer)

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