Video Information


  • Member: Hagaren Viper
  • Studio: Hagaren Studios
  • Title: Ishvalan Eviction Notice
  • Premiered: 2013-12-28
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Buckner & Garcia Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Before/After Comparison:
    Newspaper Compilation:

    After seeing Wreck-It Ralph, it shot right up to my #1 favorite movie, and I had a mighty need to edit with the whole soundtrack. Come Disney MEP 4, I took three WiR songs and actually only finished one. Sorry, Hamstar!

    The original working idea for this video involved Shizuo from DRRR playing Ralph while Edward was Fix-It Felix. After a bit of unsuccessful planning, I realized that Fullmetal Alchemist already had it's own wrecker who had a lot of unfortunate parallels with Ralph. Suddenly the ideas started flowing and I marathoned both FMA's to find the footage I needed. I really wanted to finish this on time for Anime Expo 2013 so I ended up sending a pretty unfinished version, which I regret. But the video is done now, and I'm very proud of it so I can't complain too much.

    I ended up doing a lot of masking and Photoshopping for this video, and in a couple of cases did some redraws and original art as well. This is the most alteration I've done on a video for sure, and I thought the silly gags I got out of it were worth it. Hopefully you think so too!

    Additional footage:
    Soul Eater

Opinions (1)
