Video Information


  • Member: Brolli411
  • Title: The End is Near
  • Premiered: 2003-04-26
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Breaking Point One Of A Kind
  • Anime:
  • Comments: I was originally going to title this video 'Back With a Bang', but then I thought, it wouldn't really be a bang, but more of a dull thud. And it has nothing to do with the videos plot. I haven't made an AMV for over a year now, and I'm glad to get back. I has some stupid DVD player problem, and couldn't get and footage, but that was resolved with some dumb luck. I plan to keep making AMV's continually, until something stops me. Now, on with the comments on this video.

    I don't have any reason for making this video, it kind of just came to me. This was the first DVD I ripped, one I found out my DVD player was working, and I decided to use it. I used Adobe Premiere for the video editing, Adobe Photoshop Elements for some other stuff, and Virtual Dub for the compression.

    What was I going for in this video, you ask? I was trying to do my best to summarize the movie, in a way where I kill off everyone who dies, and confront those who are alive. Boy it sure is hard coming up with ideas of what to put in here... So I'll leave it as is until I can think of more stuff.

    Video codec: XviD

Opinions (2)
