Video Information


  • Member: cassey k
  • Studio: Azucooly Productions
  • Title: AzuPumpIt FLCL Daioh
  • Premiered: 2006-10-06
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Black Eyed Peas Pump It
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: This AMV is AzuPumpIt FLCL Daioh, and it features the vocal stylings of Azumanga Daioh and FLCL! Azucooly Productions features Azumanga Daioh and FLCL in the song Pump It by Black Eyed Peas. This was a random video I made over the summer because my St. Naota AMV was rejected by the AX2006 AMV committee and I was kinda depressed. So I decided to make this.

    NOTE: This AMV actually premiered on YouTube because I was kind of curious how many people would actually watch my video. So I'm actually flcl2and3.

    In The Beginning, Haruko plays her guitar and it moves to Tomo and Ms. Yukari in the car when the lyrics start, "aaaah!".... lol.

    Then, If you notice, when the song is at, "dude wanna hate on us", or somthing like that, watch Naota's dad give the gun a handjob and speedy mode!!! LOL.

    This might be a little too mature for little children, PG-13 material.

    -rude language
    -probably hilarious lip syncing...

    HAHA, I hope you enjoy this video!

Opinions (1)
