Video Information


  • Member: Kai Stromler
  • Studio: Shin Hatsubai/Kuroi Kenshi
  • Title: ormgard II: eng
  • Premiered: 2003-04-05
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Skyclad Land Of The Rising Slum
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: On Shin Hatsubai video #61, "Other" should be read as "gestalt" or "feel", because there isn't that much action or dramatic activity in this one. It's a little bit of a Robin profile, but really, this one is just about painting with gray concrete for effects of gloom and despair.

    Digital effects on this one are nice and subdued; there's at least one horizontal flip, one framerate deceleration, and one levels correction, but since the intent was to just use the effects to massage "wrong" parts of the picture into parts that worked, I forget exactly how many of them got used. The 'snow' clips are sampled from Armitage III Poly Matrix, but are now firmly ensconced in my All-Purpose Utility Clip library.

    There's probably more audio processing in this video than anything I've done since the three remixes that went into #46. I had to hand-restore the song from a 16Kbps/11KHz mono mp3, and since the original was an acoustic rendition (encoded via a room mike from vinyl), I couldn't use Nero Wave's automatic noise correction and get it to sound like anything. There are also some miscellaneous digital effects in the 15 seconds of dead air in the track starting around 4:00.

    This video will compete at Sakura Con in April 2003, and Megacon about a month before that.

    Shin Hats Self Grade: B+/A-. There are some issues with timing in a few spots, but you have to play the hand you're dealt. Overall, it's pretty good, but probably too subdued and too depressive to win anything.
    Stats: #clips: 177. avg. length: 1.79 sec. total time: 43 hours.

    Miscellaneous: the title of this video is a reference to Enslaved's mind-blowing Mardraum album. Go read the lyrics to this post-viking, post-black metal masterpiece and see what it's about.

Opinions (1)
