Setting up your Ulead Media Studio Pro 7 Project

When you start the MSP7 video editor (as I will refer to it from now on) you will need to create a new project for your video.

When you do, you will be greeted with something that looks like this:

New Project config

Here we have all kinds of options for popular media formats. However, there aren't many options which are really useful for amv making.

The DV preferences should be chosen if you are capturing and editing DV. That much is self explanatory and everything should be a piece of cake to setup - that's the good thing about a fixed format like DV, there's not many options. Use a default and edit. You may need to choose DV options specific to your hardware, but you should have detailed instructions for that anyway.

If, however, you are using avi files (or avisynth files made into avi files via makeAVIS) you will want to set up a custom project to make sure all the settings are exactly the way you want them.

Thankfully, MSP7 is pretty flexible about project settings and most things, if not all things, can be changed later without a massive impact on the project. Frame rate and things like that, however, must be set correctly form the word go otherwise you'll have problems with edits not being in sync if you 'fix' it later.

So, if you have used the guide so far to create your footage then you will want to Create... a new project using the Create button. When you do, you'll see something like this:

Template Options - Video Editor'Video Editor' Tab

TV standard
This allows you to choose between NTSC non-dropframe (30fps), NTSC dropframe (29.97fps), PAL (25fps) and Film (24fps).

NTSC non-dropframe you will not need. I can't imagine any situation when making amvs where you will want to use a 30fps timebase. If you are editing interlaced 29.97fps NTSC then you will want to choose the dropframe option. If you are editing progressive FILM footage, then choose the Film option and finally if you are editing PAL footage you choose the PAL option.

Overlay track(s): You can have between 1 and 3 tracks and I recommend 3.

Apply video filters: Yes, you'll want this selected.

Perform non-square pixel rendering: This is an option which you may want to choose if you want to edit entirely in TV/DVD PAR. However, it won't matter a great deal - personally I prefer to edit in square pixels. You should know enough about this from the aspect ratio section to make this choice on your own.

Template Options - General'General' Tab

Data Track
You can choose to edit Audio and Video or just Audio or Video alone. The default Audio and Video is what you will want.

Frame Rate Whatever your source frame rate is it should go here. For FILM NTSC it will be 23.976fps, for pure NTSC it will be 29.97 and for PAL it will be 25fps.

Frame Type This depends largely on whether you have interlaced footage or not. If you have removed interlacing you will want to select Frame-Based and if not you will need to choose the field order that you worked out in the Analysing your DVD Footage section (Top First is order A). If you are editing DV footage then this will be Bottom First (Order B).

Frame Size The resolution of your footage. This could be all sorts of things but you will want to choose the same size as your source footage or create a user-defined size.

Display aspect ratio The DAR is much like the DAR on dvds and this allows you to edit with things such as 16:9 DAR in mind. You will need to select this based on your aspect ratio decisions from earlier.

Template Options - AVI'AVI' Tab

This allows you to choose the Video For Windows codec that will be used to compress your video. This codec will be used for both previews and exports but luckily this can be changed at any time (although your preview files will be lost). My advice is to set this with a fast codec like the PICVideo MJPEG Codec (displayed here) for editing so you get fast previews but use a Lossless codec such as HuffYUV when you export. You can set the codec options using the Configure button. Do not use divx, xvid or any similar codec for previews - choose a codec that contains only keyframes.

Data type: Well no guesses what you can put here - 24bit RGB is fine.

Audio: Format - This allows you to choose audio codecs from the windows Audio Compression Manager. However, for lossless audio you will want to select PCM.
Attributes - This will depend on your audio source but it is probably going to be ripped from a CD and hence 44100 Hz 16bit stereo audio. DVD audio will be 48kHz.

Advanced... There are some options here but most are not worthy of note - except Recompress. This option is important if you are exporting to a different format - particularly if you want to make sure that you get the correct colorspace exported with HuffYUV to avoid garbage frames. It isn't needed if you are doing something like editing DV.

Hopefully the guide so far will have given you enough insight into video choices that you will understand how to set up your project. If you have any questions about the setting here or have a video format you want to edit with which is not discussed here, then ask in the Video Software Help forum.