Music Genre: 90s (Covers ARE allowed)
Video Genre: Comedy
Special Requirement: Why I Has To Reads So Much?
Video must successfully integrate at least 10 seconds of text usage.
(Read my lips: SUC-CESS-FULLY.)
- So basically 10 seconds of your video has to have text that was actually placed by you.
Text may not be naturally occurring in the show (i.e. titles, credits, etc.)
Integration can be anything from custom subs, speech bubbles, stylish writing on walls, words popping up in the background, etc. Bumpers/Credits DO NOT COUNT.
Successful integration is just asking for you to do your best to make it work!
In order for a song to qualify, it must have been originally written/performed in the 1990s.
Covers made in the 90s of songs from past decades are not allowed
Remixes of 90s songs are fine as long as it's a remix of the entire song and not just a single sampled lyric.
When using a cover of a song, the cover must contain at least 50% of the original lyrics.